Longcombe Cross

Eucalyptus gunii 'Silverdrop' 3L - Tasmanian Cider Gum or Blue Gum Tree

Eucalyptus gunii 'Silverdrop' 3L - Tasmanian Cider Gum or Blue Gum Tree

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Eucalyptus gunii Silverdrop

• Height & spread (approx.) at 10 years: 10m x 4m but this variety can be pruned more easily to restrict to less than 2m. Cut down to 30cm each spring to promote new growth and maintain a small bushy tree

• Position: likes light shade; tolerates sun, part shade

• Soil pH: Acid (ericaceous), Neutral

• Moisture: drought tolerant; likes dry soil, well drained soil

• Winter hardiness: cold 

 Can ultimately grow into a tree, but you can easily keep a desirable, rounded shape by cutting it back to 30cm in early Spring to maintain a 3-4’ high and wide shrub form. In Summer, its inconspicuous white flowers provide food for bees, butterflies. Makes a lovely container specimen. Provide rich, fertile soil for fastest growth and a happy plant.

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